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Unveiling the Power of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Book and Claim

Unveiling the Power of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Book and Claim

In the dynamic aviation landscape, sustainability is a paramount goal aimed at reducing the industry’s environmental footprint. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) has emerged as an advanced and eco-friendly alternative to traditional aviation fuels. However, efficiently and sustainably distributing SAF presents a unique challenge. To address this challenge, the aviation industry has introduced the innovative Book and Claim system.

What is The Book and Claim?

Book and claim is a chain of custody model that enables the transfer of SAF attributes, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, from the producer to the end-user, without requiring a physical link between them. The producer of SAF registers the amount and characteristics of the fuel in a dedicated registry, and issues certificates that represent the environmental benefits of the fuel. The buyer of SAF purchases these certificates from the producer or a third-party intermediary, and claims the emission reductions for their own flights, regardless of the actual fuel they use. The certificates are then retired from the registry to avoid double counting.

Book and claim is similar to the system used for renewable electricity, where consumers can buy renewable energy certificates (RECs) to support the generation of green power, even if they do not receive the actual electricity from renewable sources.

Why is Book and Claim Important?

Book and claim offers several advantages for scaling up the production and consumption of SAF, especially for business aviation operators who face challenges in accessing the physical fuel. Some of these advantages are:

What is The Book and Claim Chain of Custody System?

The book and claim chain of custody system consists of four main steps:

1. Production

The SAF producer converts the feedstock into SAF, and blends it with fossil jet fuel according to the applicable standards and regulations. The SAF producer measures and verifies the amount and characteristics of the SAF, such as the GHG emission reductions, the feedstock origin, and the production technology, using a recognized certification scheme, such as the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) or the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB).

2. Registration

The SAF producer registers the SAF in a dedicated registry, and receives certificates that represent the SAF attributes. Each certificate corresponds to a certain volume of SAF, such as one liter, and contains information on the GHG emission reductions, the feedstock origin, the production technology, and the certification scheme. The certificates are valid for a certain period of time, such as one year, and can be traded or transferred among different actors in the registry.

3. Claim

The SAF buyer purchases the certificates from the SAF producer or a third-party intermediary, such as a broker or a platform, and pays a premium price that reflects the environmental value of the SAF. The SAF buyer claims the emission reductions for their own flights, regardless of the actual fuel they use, and reports them to the relevant authorities or organizations, such as ICAO or the SAF Coalition. The SAF buyer can also communicate their SAF purchase to their customers and stakeholders, and demonstrate their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and supporting the SAF industry.

4. Retirement

The SAF buyer retires the certificates from the registry, to avoid double counting or fraud. The retirement of the certificates is verified by the registry operator and the certification scheme, and is recorded in a public database, such as the ICAO CORSIA Eligible Emissions Unit Database or the RSB Certificate Database.

Quantifying the Benefits of Book and Claim for SAF

Given that SAF fuel is currently produced in limited volumes and a select few global locations, optimizing the sustainability of its supply chain is paramount. By integrating SAF fuel aviation into the fuel system at airports near production facilities, the supply chain’s greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced.

A comprehensive optimization analysis demonstrates that introducing SAF at airports within 100 kilometers of production facilities reduces supply chain emissions by an average of 30% compared to long-distance transportation methods. SAF production near airports can reduce supply chain emissions by upping traditional aviation fuels. However, the Book and Claim sustainable aviation fuel proves its worth by:

SAF’s Role in Emissions Reduction

As the aviation industry charts a course towards sustainability, SAF claims it is expected to play a pivotal role in reducing emissions. Numerical projections underscore its significance:

How Does Book and Claim Differ from Mass Balance?

Mass balance is another chain of custody model that allows the physical commingling of SAF with conventional jet fuel across the supply chain, but requires a proportional allocation of the SAF attributes to the end-user. For example, if a producer blends 10% of SAF with 90% of fossil jet fuel, and sells the mixture to an airport, the airport can only claim 10% of SAF for the fuel it delivers to the aircraft.

Mass balance has some benefits, such as ensuring the physical delivery of SAF to the airport and the aircraft, and providing a quality assurance for the fuel. However, it also has some limitations, such as:

Book and claim, on the other hand, does not require a physical link between the SAF producer and the end-user, and allows the full claim of the SAF attributes, regardless of the blending ratio or the location of the fuel. This gives more flexibility and transparency to the SAF buyers, who can choose the SAF producer that best suits their environmental and economic preferences, and claim the emission reductions for any flight they operate.

Examples of Book and Claim Initiatives in the Business Aviation Industry

Several business aviation operators and stakeholders have adopted or supported the book and claim system for SAF, and have demonstrated its feasibility and benefits. Some examples are:


At Just Aviation, our commitment to sustainability fuels our mission. As we conclude this exploration into the realm of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and the transformative Book and Claim system, we stand at the forefront of aviation innovation. Our journey towards greener skies continues, driven by technology, eco-consciousness, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

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