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    Overflight Fees In The Middle East

    triangle | By Just Aviation Team

    Overflight permits are essential authorizations that allow aircraft to transit through a country’s airspace, ensuring compliance with political, security, and air traffic control regulations, thus maintaining the safety and legality of international flights. Overflight fees in the Middle East are a crucial consideration for business aviation, necessitating meticulous planning and budgeting. These fees are levied by countries for the use of their airspace and vary widely across the region. They are calculated based on factors such as aircraft weight, distance flown, and whether the flight is scheduled or unscheduled. For instance, Bahrain and the UAE have rates dependent on aircraft weight. Understanding these costs is essential for efficient flight operation and management in this strategically important aviation market.

    Types of Permits Fees for Aircraft Operations

    In aviation, permit fees are associated with various permissions required for aircraft operations. Here’s a breakdown of the types of permit fees:

    Overflight Permits

    Charged when an aircraft flies through a country’s airspace without landing. Fees are often based on the aircraft’s weight, type, and the distance flown within the airspace.

    Landing Permits

    Required for an aircraft to land at a specific airport. These fees can include charges for air traffic control, airport usage, and may vary based on the aircraft’s weight and the duration of stay.

    Ferry Permits

    Issued for flights that need to relocate an aircraft for reasons such as maintenance, delivery, or storage. These permits are typically granted for aircraft that may not meet standard airworthiness requirements but are deemed safe for a specific flight under certain conditions.

    Scheduled/Block Permits

    For airlines operating regular services on a particular route. These permits are often issued for a block of flights or a specific period and may offer reduced rates compared to single permits.

    Special Permits

    Required for flights that do not fall under regular commercial or private categories, such as humanitarian flights, emergency medical services, or other special missions

    Diplomatic Permits

    Issued for state or official flights carrying diplomatic personnel or sensitive cargo. These permits often require additional clearances from governmental bodies.

    Experimental Permits

    For flights conducted to test new aircraft or modifications. These permits are closely regulated and may involve detailed technical evaluations.


    Each of these permits comes with its own set of requirements, procedures, and fees, which can vary significantly from one country to another. It must ensure compliance with the regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of each country in which it intends to operate.

    Factors Affecting Costs of Flying Over Middle East

    Overflight fees in the Middle East are influenced by a variety of factors, which include but are not limited to:

    Aircraft Weight

    Heavier aircraft generally incur higher overflight fees due to the greater use of air navigation services and the impact on airspace management.

    Distance Flown

    The length of the route taken through a country’s airspace can affect the fee, with longer distances typically resulting in higher charges.

    Type of Airspace

    Fees can vary depending on whether the airspace is oceanic, continental, or terminal, each requiring different levels of air traffic services.

    Air Traffic Complexity

    Routes that require more complex navigation or air traffic control services may incur higher fees.

    Peak Periods

    Some countries may charge higher fees during times of high traffic density to manage congestion and maintain safety.

    Political and Economic Factors

    Aeropolitical relationships and economic agreements between countries can influence overflight fees, as seen in the establishment of the Doha Flight Information Region.

    International Guidelines

    Recommendations from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) can impact how fees are structured and calculated.

    Country-Specific Policies

    Each country in the Middle East flight planning may have its own policies and rate structures, which can be influenced by the country’s size, location, and the actual rates set.

    Flight Information Regions (FIRs)

    The delineation and control of FIRs can affect overflight fees, as changes in FIR boundaries or control can lead to adjustments in charges.

    Environmental Fees

    Some countries may include charges to offset the environmental impact of aviation, such as emissions and noise pollution.


    These factors combine to determine the overall cost of overflight fees for an operator. Operators should be aware that these factors are subject to change and may vary significantly between different countries within the region.

    Cost of Flying Over Middle East

    Understanding these estimated fees is vital for efficient flight planning in the region.Below some examples of the Overflight fees in some of the Middle East countries airspace:

    • Bahrain: Air navigation charges are based on the aircraft’s weight in kilograms (kg). For example, aircraft up to 40,000 kg are charged BD 24.000, and those over 300,001 kg are charged BD 79.000.
    • Jordan: Overflight permit charges are based on a specific rate per metric ton, with different rates at the 25, 75, and 100 metric ton marks.
    • Lebanon: Overflight permit charges are assessed at 75,000 Lebanese Pounds (LBP) for aircraft up to 70,000 kg and 150,000 LBP for aircraft over 70,000 kg.
    • Oman: A flat fee in USD is assessed based on the aircraft’s weight in kg, whether the aircraft is overflying, landing in, or departing from the country.
    • Pakistan: Air navigation charges are based on the aircraft’s weight and kilometers flown as shown on the flight plan. Rates per km are the same whether you are overflying or landing in Pakistan.
    • Saudi Arabia: Air navigation charges are calculated from a weight factor and distance between entry and exit points in kilometers.
    • United Arab Emirates (UAE): Air navigation charges for any portion of a flight within the Emirates FIR are assessed. Flights that take off or land within the Emirates are charged a sector charge ranging from $60 to $105 USD depending on the aircraft’s weight. Overflight permit charges range from $130 to $235 USD based on the aircraft’s weight.


    Please note that these fees are subject to change and may not include all possible charges such as terminal navigation or security fees. For information on fees for permits, you may contact the Just Aviation team to ensure your flight plan is comprehensive and up-to-date.

    Strategies for Managing Overflight In The Middle East Airspace Fees

    To manage overflight fees with a highly effective approach, the following strategies should be considered for optimized flight planning:

    Route Planning

    Utilize the great circle distance, which is the shortest path between two points on the globe, to minimize distance flown and reduce overflight fees. Incorporate real-time weather data and wind forecasts into route planning to take advantage of tailwinds or avoid headwinds, optimizing fuel burn and flight time. Analyze airspace charges and design routes that avoid high-cost FIRs when possible, balancing longer routes with potential savings from lower fees. Choose optimal flight levels to maximize fuel efficiency, considering factors like aircraft weight, speed, and altitude-specific winds.


    Negotiate block permits for regular routes to secure reduced rates for overflight fees. Discuss volume discounts with air navigation providers (ANSPs) for frequent use of their airspace. Enter into long-term contracts with ANSPs to lock in lower rates and protect against fee increases.

    Fuel Efficiency

    Optimize aircraft performance through regular maintenance and use of fuel-efficient flight profiles. Implement weight-saving measures such as lighter cabin materials and payload optimization to reduce fuel consumption. Invest in aerodynamic improvements like winglets and advanced airframe designs to lower drag and enhance fuel efficiency. Also implementing software that accurately calculates the aircraft’s weight and balance, ensuring precise MTOW calculations for fee estimation.

    For optimal management of overflight fees and efficient operational strategies, Just Aviation adheres closely to the guidelines outlined in ICAO’s ‘Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services’ (ICAO Doc 9082). These guidelines provide essential frameworks for structuring fees and calculating costs associated with airports and air navigation services.


    1. How are overflight fees calculated in the Middle East airspace fees ?

    Overflight fees are typically calculated based on the aircraft’s Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) and the distance flown within a country’s airspace. Some countries may charge flat fees, while others use a tiered system based on weight brackets. The specific formula can be found in the ICAO Doc 7100.

    2. Can operators negotiate overflight fees with Middle Eastern countries?

    Yes, operators can sometimes negotiate overflight fees, especially if they have regular flights over the same routes. Bulk permits or long-term agreements can be discussed with civil aviation authorities to potentially reduce the cost of flying over Middle East.

    3.  Are there any discounts available for overflight fees?

    Discounts may be available for operators with high volumes of flights or for those who enter into long-term contracts with air navigation service providers. It’s essential to engage directly with the authorities to explore discount options.

    4. What is the best way for operators to stay updated on changes to overflight fees?

    Operators can follow updates from the civil aviation authorities of the countries they fly over, as well as monitor official publications like the ICAO Doc 7100 for any changes in tariffs.

    5. How do operators pay overflight fees in the Middle East?

    Payment methods vary by country, but typically, fees are paid through bank transfers or via billing services provided by air navigation service providers. Some countries may also accept payment upon application for overflight permits.

    6. What documentation is required for overflight fee payment?

    These documents are flight details, including the date, route, and aircraft information. Invoices or billing statements from the air navigation service provider will also be required for payment processing.


    Just Aviation stands at the forefront of navigating the complex landscape of overflight in the Middle East airspace fees. With a deep understanding of the technicalities and a strategic approach to route planning, negotiation, and fuel efficiency, we are well-equipped to manage the operational cost of flying over Middle East effectively. Just Aviation not only promises enhanced operational efficiency but also delivers on the promise of cost-effective aviation solutions tailored to the unique demands of the Middle East airspace fees.


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