Expedite Efficient Procedures for Business Flight Overflight and Landing Permits from the Virgin Islands Port Authority (VIPA) at Virgin Islands (U.S.) International Airports

Embark on a journey of effortless flight permit solutions at Virgin Islands (U.S.) International Airports through Just Aviation. Our expertise extends to securing aviation permits and necessary authorizations, ensuring your aircraft’s journey is smooth, covering overflight and landing permits. Rely on our proficiency for rapid permit acquisition, even with limited lead time, simplifying your itinerary arrangements. Opt for Just Aviation as your reliable ally for a stress-free visit to Virgin Islands (U.S.) International Airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Virgin Islands’ International Operations

    Overflight permits are required for any aircraft that intends to fly in the airspace of the Virgin Islands (U.S), which is a territory of the United States. The permits are issued by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) through the Advance Passenger Information System (APIS). The APIS manifest must include the flight schedule, entry and exit points, route, passenger and crew details, and aircraft documents. The APIS manifest must be transmitted at least 60 minutes before departure from the foreign port or place. The pilot must also contact the CBP port of arrival directly to secure permission to land and confirm the local procedures and requirements. The CBP may grant a Border Overflight Exemption (BOE) to certain operators who meet the eligibility criteria and apply in advance. The BOE allows the aircraft to overfly the designated airports of entry and land at another airport within the U.S.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Virgin Islands’ International Operations

    Landing permits are required for any aircraft that intends to land in the Virgin Islands (U.S) for a short period of time as a tourist, a business visitor, or another visitor. The permits are issued by the Board of Immigration of the Virgin Islands (U.S.), which are a separate territory of the United States. The applicant must submit a filled-out form and the required documents to the Immigration Department at least 48 hours before the intended arrival. The documents include the passport, visa (if applicable), proof of financial means, return ticket, accommodation, and purpose of visit. The Board of Immigration will review the application and inform the applicant of the decision. If approved, the applicant must present himself or herself to the Immigration officer at the port of entry for payment and processing. The officer will then stamp the passport for the authorized duration of stay.


    Virgin Islands airspace currently comprises one Flight Information Region (FIR).

    The ICAO code for Virgin Islands FIR is “TUPJ.”

    The Virgin Islands Civil Aviation Authority will issue the air navigation bill directly to the airline/operator.

    The Virgin Islands Civil Aviation Authority operates from (0100Z) to (1000Z). Additionally, it operates during weekends on Saturday and Sunday.

    How to secure flight permits in Virgin Islands (U.S.) ?

    Optimize your operational processes at Virgin Islands (U.S.) International Airports with expert flight permit assistance. Contact us at [email protected] for a hassle-free journey. Our dedicated team is here to deliver extensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Virgin Islands (U.S.) International Airports.


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