Discover the Steps and Documents Needed for Securing Overflight & Landing Permits for Business Aviation in Uganda, Including Flight Permissions

Embark on a journey with hassle-free flight permit solutions catered for Uganda International Airports through Just Aviation. Our proficiency lies in securing aviation permits and vital clearances to ensure the smooth journey of your aircraft, encompassing overflight and landing permits. Count on our expertise for quick permit acquisition, even on short notice, simplifying your trip coordination. Choose Just Aviation as your trusted collaborator for a stress-free visit to Uganda International Airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Uganda’s International Operations

    In Uganda, overflight permits are essential for flights in the African region. The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority requires a lead time of at least 2 working days before departure. The working hours of the Uganda CAA extend 24/7, ensuring continuous support even on weekends. For overflight permits, you need to furnish a complete flight schedule, aircraft documents, entry/exit points, and ATS routing details. Passengers’ lead information, radio license, release to service certificate, operations specifications, crew licenses, and airworthiness documents are crucial for processing. Notably, Uganda imposes no official CAA processing fees for overflight permits, and the permit remains valid for up to 72 hours from the initially requested schedule. The Uganda CAA directly handles air navigation bill payments for overflights.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Uganda's International Operations

    Similarly, landing permits are obligatory for flights within Uganda, requiring a minimum lead time of 2 working days. The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority operates around the clock, including weekends. To obtain a landing permit, provide a detailed flight schedule, aircraft documents, entry/exit points, and ATS routing information. Passenger lead details, radio license, release to service certificate, operations specifications, crew licenses, and airworthiness documents are mandatory for processing landing permits. Uganda, in adherence to CAA regulations, does not impose processing fees for landing permits. The validity of landing permits extends to 72 hours from the initially requested schedule. Uganda CAA directly manages air navigation bill payments for landing operations. The issued landing permit number must be included in Item 18 of the submitted Flight Plan.

    How to secure flight permits in Uganda ?

    Improve the efficiency of your Uganda International Airport operations with expert flight permit assistance. Connect with us at [email protected] for a journey free from complications. Our committed team is ready to provide comprehensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Uganda International Airports.


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