Foster Smooth Business Flight Operations with Overflight and Landing Permits from the Civil Aviation Division of Timor-Leste (CAD) at Timor-Leste International Airports

Access specialized flight permit solutions designed for Timor-Leste International Airports with Just Aviation. We stand out in securing aviation permits and essential clearances, ensuring your aircraft’s seamless journey, covering overflight and landing permits. Trust in our adeptness to swiftly obtain permits, even when time is scarce, optimizing your travel coordination. Make Just Aviation your dependable partner for a hassle-free experience at Timor-Leste International Airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Timor-Leste’s International Operations

    Timor Leste is a small island nation in Southeast Asia, with a population of about 1.3 million people. It has a single international airport, Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (DILI), located in the capital city of Dili. Timor Leste is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and follows the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Timor Leste (CAATL), no aircraft registered in or serving a foreign state shall overfly the East Timorese airspace or land on East Timorese underlying territory without clearance. The CAATL is responsible for issuing overflight permits for civil aircraft that intend to transit through the Timor Leste Flight Information Region (FIR). The CAATL also collects navigation fees for the use of its airspace. The CAATL will issue the overflight permit number and the navigation fee invoice to the operator or agent via email or fax. The operator or agent must pay the navigation fee before the flight or within 30 days after the flight, depending on the agreement with the CAATL. The overflight permit number must be included in the flight plan and communicated to the air traffic control (ATC) upon entering and exiting the FIR.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Timor-Leste’s International Operations

    Timor Leste welcomes foreign visitors and investors, and offers various types of visas and permits for different purposes and durations of stay. The Immigration Service of Timor Leste (ISTL) is the authority that regulates the entry, stay, and exit of foreigners in the country. The ISTL also works closely with the CAATL to coordinate the landing permits for civil aircraft that intend to land at DILI or any other airport in Timor Leste. The CAATL will issue the landing permit number and the landing fee invoice to the operator or agent via email or fax. The operator or agent must pay the landing fee before the flight or within 30 days after the flight, depending on the agreement with the CAATL. The landing permit number must be included in the flight plan and communicated to the ATC upon landing and taking off. In addition to the landing permit, the passengers and crew must also have the appropriate visas or authorizations to enter and stay in Timor Leste, depending on their nationality and purpose of visit. The ISTL provides various options for obtaining visas, such as on arrival, online, or through diplomatic missions. The ISTL also requires the passengers and crew to have a valid travel document, sufficient funds, a completed disembarkation/embarkation card, and a confirmed return ticket.


    To obtain an overflight permit, the operator or agent must submit an application form to the CAATL at least 24 hours before the planned flight, with the following information:

    • Aircraft registration, type, and call sign
    • Name and address of the operator or agent
    • Purpose and nature of the flight
    • Route and flight level
    • Date and time of entry and exit of the FIR
    • Number of passengers and crew on board
    • Any special requirements or requests

    To obtain a landing permit, the operator or agent must submit an application form to the CAATL at least 48 hours before the planned flight, with the following information:

    • Aircraft registration, type, and call sign
    • Name and address of the operator or agent
    • Purpose and nature of the flight
    • Route and flight level
    • Date and time of arrival and departure
    • Number of passengers and crew on board
    • Any special requirements or requests

    How to secure flight permits in Timor-Leste ?

    Improve the efficiency of your operations at Timor-Leste International Airports with expert flight permit assistance. Connect with us at [email protected] for a journey without complications. Our dedicated team is prepared to offer thorough flight permit support, guaranteeing a smooth and effortless experience at Timor-Leste International Airports.


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