Introduce a Simplified Pathway for Business Aviation Permissions for Overflight and Landings at Panama International Airports

Access efficient flight permit solutions tailored for Panama International Airports with Just Aviation. We specialize in securing aviation permits and vital clearances, ensuring your aircraft’s journey is seamless, covering overflight and landing permits. Depend on our adeptness to swiftly obtain permits, even when time is scarce, optimizing your travel coordination. Choose Just Aviation as your reliable partner for a hassle-free experience at Panama International Airports.

    Just Aviation

    Overflight Permits in Panama’s International Operations

    When operating a business aircraft to Panama, thorough documentation forwarded in advance to your 3rd-party provider or local ground handler is crucial. Confirming visa requirements and understanding permit intricacies are essential. Overflight and landing permits are mandatory for all private non-revenue and charter flights. The official permit lead time is 24 hours, but short-notice requests are possible, often processed within 24 hours. Overflight requests to San Andres Island require a Colombian permit, as the islands belong to Colombia. The process is automated through Panama’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) website, where a specific form is used.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Panama's International Operations

    Panama requires landing permits for all operations, whether private non-revenue or charter flights. Pilots must hold a type rating for the aircraft, a license from the aircraft’s registration country, and a valid medical certificate. Over 12,500 pounds MTOW requires a co-pilot with the same type rating. Essential documents include airworthiness certificates, landing/overflight permit request copies, owner’s details, and worldwide insurance policy copies. Validity is +/- one day, with minor revisions accepted via email. Internal Circulation Permits are needed for domestic flights, with a fee applied. The CAA operates Monday-Thursday from 0730-1530 local time, with a duty officer available 24/7.


    • Complete Flight Schedule
    • Entry / Exit & ATC Flight Plan
    • All Passenger Details
    • Captain Valid License, Passport Details & Captain Type Rating
    • Crew medical certificate
    • Consignee & Consignor Details (Only for Cargo Flights)
    • List of Required Aircraft Documents:
    • Air Operating Certificate (Private Aircraft AOC Not Required)
    • Certificate of Airworthiness
    • Insurance Certificate
    • Noise Certificate
    • Registration Certificate

    The issued overflight permit number must be included in Item 18 of your submitted Flight Plan.

    According to Panama Civil Aviation, there are no official processing fees for the issuance of Panama Overflight Permits.

    Overflight Permits are valid for +24 hours from the initially requested schedule.

    Panama Civil Aviation Authority is responsible for issuing Overflight Permits.

    The Panama CAA will issue the air navigation bill directly to the Airline/Operator.

    Panama CAA operates from Monday to Thursday, 0730-1530 local time. A duty officer is available 24/7.

    How to secure flight permits in Panama ?

    Improve the efficiency of your Panama International Airport operations with expert flight permit assistance. Connect with us at [email protected] for a journey free from complications. Our dedicated team is here to deliver extensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Panama International Airports.


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