Ensure Expeditious Approvals for Business Aviation Overflight and Landings from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova (CAA) at Moldova International Airports

Encounter unparalleled flight permit solutions fashioned for Moldova International Airports through Just Aviation. Our specialization encompasses the acquisition of aviation permits and essential clearances for your aircraft’s voyage, including overflight and landing permits. Place confidence in our proficiency for swift permit procurement, even with limited notice, simplifying your travel coordination. Make Just Aviation your trustworthy ally for a seamless experience at Moldova International Airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Moldova’s International Operations

    Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe that requires overflight permits for all non-scheduled flights, regardless of the aircraft type or purpose of the flight.  The Civil Aviation Administration of the Republic of Moldova (CAA) is the authority responsible for issuing overflight permits. The CAA advises to apply for overflight permits at least three working days before the planned flight. However, short notice permits can be arranged in some cases, depending on the availability of the CAA staff and the complexity of the flight. The CAA charges a fee for overflight permits, which varies depending on the aircraft weight and the number of overflights.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Moldova’s International Operations

    Moldova has two international airports that can accommodate business aviation flights: Chisinau International Airport (LUKK) and Balti International Airport (LUBL). Both airports require landing permits for non-scheduled flights, which can be obtained from the CAA. The CAA advises to apply for landing permits at least three working days before the planned flight. However, short notice permits can be arranged in some cases, depending on the availability of the CAA staff and the complexity of the flight. The CAA charges a fee for landing permits, which varies depending on the aircraft weight and the number of landings. Moldova is a member of the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA), which means that flights from other ECAA member states do not require overflight or landing permits, as long as they comply with the ECAA regulations. However, flights from non-ECAA countries still need to obtain the necessary permits from the CAA. Moldova is also a party to the Chicago Convention, which means that diplomatic flights are exempt from overflight and landing permits, as long as they notify the CAA in advance and follow the prescribed procedures. However, diplomatic flights may still need to obtain special transport permits from the Border Police if they intend to operate in the border area or use floating vehicles.


    The Moldova CAA mandates the submission of several documents, including the Aircraft Certificate of Registration, Aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness, and an Insurance Certificate demonstrating either worldwide coverage or country-specific coverage. Additionally, Pilot License and Medical documents are necessary. In addition to the requisite documents, applicants must furnish specific flight details, including aircraft type and registration, call sign, flight number, as well as the date, time, and points of entry and exit of Moldovan airspace. The intended route of flight, purpose of the flight, and details regarding the number of passengers and crew are also essential.

    In addition to the standard documents and information needed for overflight permits, applicants for landing permits must provide details regarding destination and alternate airports, along with the estimated time of arrival and departure. Furthermore, arrangements for ground handling and confirmation are essential components of the landing permit application process. These additional details ensure comprehensive planning and coordination for the smooth execution of the flight operation within Moldovan airspace.

    Overflight permits for Moldova are typically valid for a period of up to 72 hours.

    Moldova’s airspace currently comprises one Flight Information Region (FIR).

    The ICAO code for Moldova FIR is “LUUU.”

    Overflight permits for flights over Moldova are issued by the Moldova Civil Aviation Authority.

    Civil Aviation Authority, Bd. Dacia 80/2, MD-2026 Chisinau, Moldova.

    The Moldova Civil Aviation Authority will issue the air navigation bill directly to the airline/operator through “EuroControl.”

    How to secure flight permits in Moldova ?

    Optimize your operational processes at Moldova International Airports with expert flight permit assistance. Connect with us at [email protected] for a hassle-free journey. Our dedicated team is ready to provide comprehensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Moldova International Airports.


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