Ensure Efficient Business Aviation Permissions for Overflight and Landings at Croatia International Airports

Embark on a journey with hassle-free flight permit solutions for Croatia International Airports through Just Aviation. Our proficiency lies in securing aviation permits and necessary authorizations to ensure the smooth trajectory of your aircraft, encompassing overflight and landing permits. Count on our expertise for quick permit acquisition, even on short notice, streamlining your trip organization. Make Just Aviation your trusted collaborator for a stress-free visit to Croatia International Airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Croatia’s International Operations

    Foreign civil aircraft registered in an ICAO-acceded state, as per the Chicago Convention, can freely overfly or perform technical landings in the Republic of Croatia without requiring a specific permit. However, overflight authorization is essential for foreign state aircraft, those involved in military, police, customs activities, or transporting individuals with special status. Additionally, the transport of dangerous goods and aircraft lacking a standard airworthiness certificate mandates overflight authorization. Diplomatic clearances for these instances are issued by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. For third country operators engaged in commercial air transport and requiring a technical landing, an EASA TCO Authorisation is mandatory.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Croatia's International Operations

    Foreign civil aircraft from ICAO-acceded states can perform landings in the Republic of Croatia without a specific permit. However, foreign state aircraft, particularly those engaged in military, police, customs operations, or transporting individuals with special status, require overflight authorization. For commercial air transport involving technical landings, third country operators must possess a safety authorization issued by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA TCO Authorisation). EU air carriers generally don’t need an overflight permit for transporting dangerous goods unless the goods are normally forbidden for air transport. In such cases, an exemption or approval from a dangerous goods inspector is necessary.


    Overflying via Anguilla territory doesn’t require a specific permit.

    According to Croatia Civil Aviation, there are “NO CAA Processing Fees” for the issuance of Croatia Overflight Permits.

    Croatia’s airspace currently has one Flight Information Region (FIR). Croatia FIR ICAO Code is “LDZO.”

    How to secure flight permits in Croatia ?

    Improve the efficiency of your Croatia International Airport operations with expert flight permit assistance. Connect with us at [email protected] for a journey without hassles. Our dedicated team is here to deliver extensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Croatia International Airports.


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