Efficient Business Aviation Permissions for Overflight and Landings at Côte d'Ivoire International Airports

Discover efficient flight permit solutions designed for Côte d’Ivoire International Airports with Just Aviation. Our specialization extends to the acquisition of aviation permits and vital clearances, making your aircraft’s journey trouble-free, covering overflight and landing permits. Trust in our adeptness to swiftly obtain permits, even with limited notice, streamlining your travel coordination. Opt for Just Aviation as your reliable ally for a hassle-free visit to Côte d’Ivoire International Airports.

    Just Aviation

    Overflight and Landing Permits in Côte d’Ivoire’s International Operations

    When planning flights over or into Côte d’Ivoire, it is crucial to consider the necessary overflight and landing permits. The Ivory Coast Civil Aviation Authority oversees the permit application process, requiring comprehensive flight information and essential aircraft documents. To obtain an Ivory Coast Overflight Permit, the following details are necessary:

    • Flight Schedule
    • Entry/Exit Points with ATC Route
    • All Passenger Details
    • Consignee & Consignor Details
    • Receiving Party Details (Contact Number/Email)
    • Handler Information
    • Aircraft Documents
      • Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
      • Certificate of Airworthiness (COA)
      • Certificate of Insurance (COI)
      • Certificate of Noise Compliance (CON)
      • Certificate of Registration (COR)
    Flight Permits map

    It’s important to note that prior permission is mandatory, and the Ivory Coast Overflight Permit is identified by the code A0018/PR/CEMP/SMAT DU 05/01/2021. There is an official processing fee of 200 USD for the issuance of these permits, and they remain valid for 72 hours from the initially requested schedule. Côte d’Ivoire’s airspace is part of one flight information region (FIR), and the Ivory Coast Civil Aviation Authority, in partnership with “Asecna,” will directly issue the air navigation bill to the airline or operator. Notably, the Ivory Coast Civil Aviation Authority provides continuous service, with its working hours extending around the clock, ensuring efficient permit processing.

    How to secure flight permits in Côte d'Ivoire?

    Streamline Your Côte d’Ivoire International Airport Operations with Expert Flight Permit Assistance. Reach out to us at [email protected] for a hassle-free journey. Our dedicated team is here to provide comprehensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Côte d’Ivoire International Airports.


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