Seamless Approvals for Business Aircraft Overflight and Landings at Cameroonian Airports

Embark on a journey with our specialization in securing aviation permits and vital clearances for Cameroonian airports. We excel in ensuring a smooth transition for your aircraft, encompassing overflight and landing permits. Rely on our proficiency for swift permit acquisition, even with short notice, simplifying your trip coordination. Make Just Aviation your dependable partner for a stress-free visit to Cameroonian airports.

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    Overflight Permits in Cameroon’s International Operations

    In Cameroon, the issuance of overflight permits falls under the jurisdiction of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA). To facilitate smooth business aviation operations, it is crucial to comply with the established regulations. The CCAA imposes a development license fee of 15,000 FCFA per aircraft and 10,000 FCFA per passenger, with exemptions for United Nations aircraft.

    For private and non-scheduled commercial aircraft intending to overfly Cameroonian airspace, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, it is mandatory to seek prior authorization. This permission should be requested from the Minister of External Relations through the Director of Civil Aviation in Yaoundé, at least 10 working days before departure, and ideally, well in advance. Overflight clearance will be granted no more than 48-24 hours before the intended overflight, with follow-up permitted 72 hours before departure. All applications must include comprehensive details, such as aircraft type, registration, passenger and crew numbers, flight itinerary, cargo description, and the purpose of the visit. For United Nations-chartered aircraft, expedited clearances can be obtained within 24 hours in cases of urgency.

    Flight Permits map

    Landing Permits in Cameroon’s International Operations

    When conducting business aviation operations in Cameroon that require landing within the country, adherence to landing permit regulations is vital. The Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) is responsible for granting landing permits and ensuring aviation safety and security.

    To obtain a landing permit, private and non-scheduled commercial aircraft must submit a request to the Minister of External Relations through the Director of Civil Aviation in Yaoundé, with a minimum lead time of 10 working days before the planned landing. Early submission of the itinerary is advisable. The CCAA will not grant clearance more than 48-24 hours prior to the intended landing, and follow-up communication should occur no earlier than 72 hours before the planned landing.

    All landing permit applications must be submitted in duplicate and receive approval from the Ministry of External Relations. Comprehensive information is required, including aircraft details, passenger and crew numbers, cargo description, purpose of the visit, and required services. Notably, United Nations-chartered aircraft may receive expedited clearances within 24 hours in urgent situations.

    How to secure flight permits in Cameroon ?

    Streamline Your Cameroon Airport Operations with Expert Flight Permit Assistance. Contact us at [email protected] for a hassle-free journey. Our dedicated team is here to provide comprehensive flight permit support, ensuring a smooth and effortless experience at Cameroonian airports.


    To obtain a Cameroon overflight permit, you will need to provide the following details:

    • Complete Flight Schedule
    • Entry Point and Exit Point
    • Captain’s License Copy
    • All Passenger Details (Only for Passenger Flights)
    • Consignee and Consignor Details (Only for Cargo Flights)
    • Aircraft Documents
      • Air Operating Certificate
      • Certificate of Airworthiness
      • Insurance Certificate
      • Noise Certificate
      • Registration Certificate
      • Radio Station License

    The format for a Cameroon Overflight Permit is as follows:

    Cameroon Overflight Permit: 0427/CCAA/DG/SEGC DU/DATE OF PERMIT ISSUED

    A Cameroon overflight permit is valid for a period of +72 hours from the initially requested schedule.

    Cameroon’s airspace consists of one Flight Information Region (FIR), and the ICAO code for Cameroon FIR is “FKKK.”

    Cameroon Overflight Permits are issued by the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority. Their postal address is BP 6998, Yaoundé, Cameroon.

    The Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will issue the air navigation bill directly to the airline/operator through “Asecna.”

    Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority’s working hours are from 0900Z to 1700Z. The weekend in Cameroon includes Saturday and Sunday.


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