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    The Different Types of Ground Handling Services

    triangle | By Just Aviation Team

    Ground handling is the term used to describe the various services that are provided to an aircraft and its passengers during the time it is on the ground. Ground handling services are essential for the smooth and safe operation of any flight, as they ensure that the aircraft is ready for departure, the passengers are comfortable and satisfied, and the cargo is properly loaded and unloaded. There are different types of ground handling services, depending on the needs and requirements of the aircraft and the airport. Some of the most common types of ground handling services are:

    Ramp Services

    These are the services that are performed on the apron, or the area where the aircraft is parked. Ramp services include marshaling, parking, towing, refueling, de-icing, water and toilet servicing, waste disposal, catering, cleaning, baggage handling, cargo handling, and loading and unloading of passengers and crew.

    • IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM): Provides comprehensive guidelines for ground handling operations.

    Passenger Services

    These are the services that are provided to the passengers before, during, and after the flight. Passenger services include check-in, boarding, security screening, immigration and customs, baggage claim, lost and found, special assistance, lounge access, and ground transportation.

    • IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM): Covers check-in, boarding, security screening, immigration, customs, baggage claim, lost and found, special assistance, lounge access, and ground transportation procedures.

    Flight Operations & Crew Administration

    These are the services that are related to the planning and execution of the flight, as well as the management and welfare of the flight crew. Flight operations and crew administration services include flight dispatch, cost management, flight planning, weather briefing, flight permits, slot coordination, crew scheduling, crew accommodation, crew transportation, and crew briefing.

    • IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM): Contains guidelines for flight dispatch, flight planning, weather briefing, flight permits, and slot coordination.
    • IATA Crew Regulations (ICR): Outlines regulations related to crew scheduling, accommodation, transportation, and briefing.

    Technical Services

    These are the services that are related to the maintenance and repair of the aircraft and its components. Technical services include line maintenance, base maintenance, engineering support, component overhaul, spare parts supply, and technical training.

    • IATA Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM): Details procedures for line maintenance, base maintenance, engineering support, component overhaul, spare parts supply, and technical training.
    • IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR): Provides guidelines for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air, including technical specifications for handling and documentation.

    Cargo Services

    These are the services that are related to the handling and transportation of cargo, both on the ground and in the air. Cargo services include cargo terminal operations, cargo documentation, cargo security, cargo warehousing, cargo loading and unloading, cargo transportation, and cargo tracking.

    • IATA Cargo Handling Manual (ICHM): Covers cargo terminal operations, documentation, security, warehousing, loading/unloading, transportation, and tracking procedures for air cargo.
    • IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR): Offers guidelines specific to the handling and transportation of perishable goods by air.

    Standards and Guidelines Regulating Different Types of Ground Support Equipment in Business Aviation Operations

    Guidelines and documents play a vital role in governing and standardizing the operations of various ground support equipment and vehicles at airports:

    IATA Ground Handling Manual (IGOM)

    Provides guidelines for the safe and efficient use of Ground Power Units (GPUs), Air Start Units (ASUs), Air Conditioning Units (ACUs), and their respective handling procedures.

    IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM)

    Covers the operational aspects and guidelines for handling Pushback Tractors, Towbars, Fuel Trucks, De-icing Vehicles, Water Trucks, Lavatory Trucks, Catering Trucks, Cleaning Trucks, Baggage Loaders, and Cargo Loaders.

    IATA Guidance Material for Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

    Offers specific recommendations and best practices for the operation, maintenance, and safety of ground support equipment used in airport environments.


    These guidelines ensure the safe and efficient use of equipment, outline maintenance procedures, and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various ground support functions. For instance, the IATA IGOM would detail the safe practices for connecting GPUs to aircraft for power supply, while the AHM would encompass the regulations and procedures for utilizing baggage and cargo loaders during aircraft servicing. Each equipment type has its set of operational protocols and safety measures outlined in these documents to maintain industry standards and ensure operational safety.


    Apart from IATA, there are other regulatory bodies and guidelines that govern ground support equipment and services in the business aviation industry:


    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Airport Services Manual (Doc 9137)

    Provides guidance on airport operations, including standards and recommended practices for ground handling services and equipment.

    National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 409 – Standard on Aircraft Hangars

    Contains guidelines on the design and construction of aircraft hangars, including safety protocols for handling ground support equipment within hangar facilities.

    European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Regulations

    EASA publishes regulations and guidance material regarding airport operations, safety, and ground support equipment in Europe.

    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circulars (ACs)

    FAA issues advisory circulars covering various aspects of ground support equipment, safety, and operations at airports.

    Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Reports

    ACRP produces research reports and guidelines for airport operations, including ground support equipment handling and maintenance best practices.


    At Just Aviation, our steadfast dedication to flawless ground handling services stands as an unwavering commitment. As your trusted partner, we are devoted to ensuring smooth, efficient, and secure ground operations. Discover the Just Aviation Company difference – where each handled moment mirrors our pursuit of excellence. For inquiries and collaborative ventures, connect with us at [email protected] and take flight with unmatched aviation support.


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