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SNOWTAM and NOTAM: Issuance Guidelines for Business Aviation Operations


The Flight Team at Just Aviation diligently analyzes NOTAM and SNOWTAM information, enabling proactive identification of potential closures. This empowers us to offer alternative airport options or adjust departure schedules accordingly, prioritizing the safety and efficiency of our private jet clients.


Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), also referred to as Notice to Air Missions, is a crucial document that provides detailed information about aeronautical facilities, services, procedures, and potential hazards. It is especially important for personnel involved in business aviation operations to stay informed through NOTAMs about critical updates in a timely manner.


Safety and security regulatory compliance for SNOWTAM and NOTAM issuance focus on providing surface condition reports to address potential risks associated with weather conditions and flight operation; snow, ice, slush, frost, and standing water on operational runways.

Understanding NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) for Business Aviation Operations

NOTAMs serve as a communication tool to inform aviation personnel, including those involved in business jet operations, about crucial information related to aeronautical facilities, services, procedures, and potential hazards. These notices aim to enhance flight safety by ensuring that pilots, air traffic controllers, and other stakeholders in business aviation are aware of any changes or operational restrictions that may impact their operations.


NOTAMs consist of alphanumeric codes that convey specific information. The codes follow a standardized format to ensure clarity and consistency across the business aviation community. These codes include information about airport closures, temporary flight restrictions, runway obstructions, navigational aids status, airspace restrictions, and other relevant details specifically applicable to business jet operations.


For instance, a NOTAM might contain the following code: “D1234/23 – RWY 27 CLSD EXC ACFT WITH WINGSPAN < 79 FT.” In this example, “D1234/23” represents the NOTAM’s identification number, while “RWY 27 CLSD” indicates the closure of Runway 27. The subsequent statement “EXC ACFT WITH WINGSPAN < 79 FT” clarifies that the runway closure only applies to business jets with a wingspan less than 79 feet.


Understanding SNOWTAM for Business Aviation Operations

SNOWTAMs are a specialized subset of NOTAMs that focus specifically on surface condition reports related to snow, ice, slush, frost, and standing water on operational runways. These reports are vital for pilots and aerodrome operators involved in business aviation to assess potential hazards and make informed decisions regarding flight operations.


SNOWTAMs are issued by aerodrome operators when significant changes occur in the surface condition of runways due to the presence of water, snow, ice, slush, or frost. Each new surface condition report triggers the issuance of a new SNOWTAM, rendering the previous one invalid. It’s important to note that SNOWTAMs have a maximum validity period of eight hours to ensure up-to-date information is available for flight planning purposes, specifically tailored for business aviation operations.


A SNOWTAM may include information such as “SNOWTAM 1234/23 – RWY 09 FICON (M)4/3/2 – ICE BA GOOD, SNOW DEPTH 4MM, BRAKING ACTION MEDIUM, FRICTION COEFFICIENT 0.4.” In this example, “SNOWTAM 1234/23” represents the SNOWTAM’s identification number. The subsequent information “RWY 09 FICON” indicates the focus on Runway 09 specifically for business jet operations. The code “(M)4/3/2” denotes the surface condition with a layer of ice at a medium thickness. The report also provides additional details such as the snow depth, braking action, and the friction coefficient, which helps business jet pilots assess the runway’s condition accurately.

Application of NOTAM Decoder in Business Aviation

The application of a NOTAM decoder in business aviation is crucial for efficiently accessing and interpreting operational information contained in NOTAMs. It is particularly relevant in the following scenarios:

Importance of Pre-flight Planning in Business Aviation

As part of pre-flight planning in business aviation, flight crews and NOTAM managers utilize a NOTAM decoder to retrieve and analyze relevant NOTAMs. This process ensures that they are aware of any potential operational impacts that may affect their business jet flights. Access to current NOTAMs can be obtained through airport Flight Briefing Facilities available to all aircraft operators. Additionally, some companies may have tailored access systems that provide access only to NOTAMs relevant to their specific business aviation operations.

NOTAMs for State and Government Officials’ Flights

Business aviation often involves flights carrying state and government officials. NOTAMs are issued for these flights, containing critical information related to security measures, airspace restrictions, or any specific procedures that must be followed during the operation. Utilizing a NOTAM decoder helps business jet operators and crews understand and comply with the specific requirements associated with these flights.

Managing Runway and Taxiway Closures in Business Aviation

In business aviation, efficient flight planning is essential to optimize schedules and minimize delays. NOTAMs regarding runway and taxiway closures play a vital role in this process. A NOTAM decoder allows business jet operators to access real-time information about such closures, enabling them to plan alternate routes, adjust arrival or departure procedures, and ensure smooth operations.

Impact of Non-Operational Navaids on Business Aviation

Navaids are critical for navigation during flights. When a navigational aid becomes unserviceable, NOTAMs are issued to inform pilots and operators. In the context of business aviation, NOTAM decoders help identify and understand NOTAMs related to non-operational Navaids, such as VOR (VHF Omni-directional Range), ILS (Instrument Landing System), or DME (Distance Measuring Equipment). This information allows business jet crews to adjust their navigation plans, select appropriate alternate procedures, and ensure navigational accuracy.

Ensuring Safety with Unserviceable Obstruction Lights

Maintaining situational awareness of obstacles and their lighting status is paramount in business aviation. NOTAM decoders assist in interpreting NOTAMs that highlight unserviceable obstruction lights. These lights can be present on tall structures, buildings, or construction equipment near airports. By accessing and comprehending the information provided by the NOTAM decoder, business jet pilots can plan their approaches, departures, and taxiing maneuvers safely, even in low-light or reduced-visibility conditions.

Handling Temporary Obstacles at Airfields in Business Aviation

Airfields occasionally encounter temporary obstacles, such as cranes or construction equipment, that may affect business aviation operations. NOTAMs are issued to inform operators and pilots about these obstacles. By employing a NOTAM decoder, business jet operators can identify and understand relevant NOTAMs related to temporary obstacles, allowing them to plan and adjust flight operations accordingly, ensuring safe takeoffs, landings, and ground movements.

Understanding SNOWTAM’s Sections in Business Aviation Operations

In business aviation operations, SNOWTAMs consist of various sections that provide essential information about runway conditions. One of these sections is the airplane performance calculation section. It includes the following eight items (A-G), which are filled out to ensure accurate assessment of aircraft performance:


Importance of Situational Awareness in Business Aviation Operations

The Situational Awareness section of SNOWTAMs in business aviation consists of 11 items (I-T) that provide crucial information regarding specific runway conditions. This section is excluded for elements where information is unavailable or when the conditions for publication have not been met.



Best practices for SNOWTAM and NOTAM issuance in business aviation include timely and accurate reporting, standardized formats, precise identification, utilization of metric units, concise content, cross-checking with business operators. Following these practices ensures efficient communication of critical information, enhances situational awareness, and supports safe flight operations.


By partnering with Just Aviation, your business aviation services gain access to comprehensive knowledge of the latest NOTAMs and SNOWTAMs. Our expertise in providing clients with this crucial information ensures prompt awareness of any flight route restrictions or specific details, facilitating smooth and punctual flights.

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