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Effective Crew Management Planning Solutions

How to Overcome Crew Planning Challenges In Business Aviation

Crew planning in aviation industry is a vital function for any business aviation operator, as it determines the quality and efficiency of their service, as well as the safety and satisfaction of their crew members. However, crew planning is also a challenging and complex task, as it involves dealing with various factors and constraints, such as demand uncertainty, regulatory compliance, aviation crew management, and crew retention. Explore how Just Aviation, a leading business flight support company, can overcome these crew planning challenges and achieve optimal results for their business and their crew, by using advanced technology and best practices.

Crew planning involves creating optimal schedules for pilots and cabin crew, ensuring compliance with regulations and contractual obligations, managing training and qualifications, and responding to disruptions and changes. Crew planning challenges can affect the safety, efficiency, and profitability of business aviation operations, as well as the satisfaction and retention of crew members.

Crew Accommodation

Ensuring optimal crew accommodation involves multifaceted considerations integral to flight operations. In compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 Part I, Chapter 4, Section 4.10, meticulous attention is devoted to securing adequate rest periods for flight crew members pre and post-flight duty periods. These rest periods demand meticulously chosen accommodations that meet stringent criteria encompassing location, quality, availability, cost, and adherence to crew preferences and feedback.


The ICAO’s Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) Implementation Guide for Operators stands as a paramount resource delineating meticulous guidelines for crew accommodation. These encompass nuanced factors such as mitigating noise, regulating light exposure, maintaining optimal temperature settings, ensuring security protocols, sustaining impeccable cleanliness standards, optimizing comfort, and ensuring seamless accessibility.

Further guidance emerges from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) through their Guidance Material and Best Practices for Pilot Aptitude Testing. Emphasizing proximity to airports, it stipulates that crew accommodations should ideally be situated within a 30-minute travel radius. Simultaneously, it underscores the necessity for crew members to access essential amenities such as sustenance, potable water, and constant availability of medical services.

Crew Visa Arrangement

Navigating the intricate web of visa and permit requisites for flight crew assumes paramount significance, contingent on the unique entry policies of destination countries. The complexities inherent in this process, encompassing time constraints and potential financial implications, necessitate a strategic approach by crew planners.


The ICAO Human Factors Training Manual, Document 9683, the FAA ICAO Flight Planning Interface Reference Guide, and the UK Civil Aviation Authority Crew Members (Entry Clearance Guidance) stand as invaluable resources delineating and interpreting the diverse visa prerequisites for flight crew members. The comprehensive understanding of these references equips planners with the foresight to pre-emptively tackle diverse visa demands, thereby averting unwarranted delays or penalties stemming from unforeseen changes in visa regulations:

Optimizing Crew Planning: Leveraging Advancements for Enhanced Efficiency

Technology can play a vital role in helping business aviation operators overcome crew planning in aviation industry challenges and achieve their goals. Some of the technological solutions that can assist crew planning include:

Centralized Database & Dashboard

For training and qualification management, one possible solution is to use a centralized database and dashboard that can store and display all the relevant information about the crew members’ training and qualification status, as well as the expiration dates and renewal requirements of their certificates and licenses. The database and dashboard can also provide alerts and reminders for the crew members and the planners about the upcoming training and qualification activities, as well as the availability and cost of training resources.

Qualification Management

Business aviation operators have to ensure that their crew members are properly trained and qualified to operate the aircraft and perform their duties. This involves managing and tracking various aspects of crew training, such as ground training, flight training, recency, simulators, and external training. Crew training and qualification management is essential for maintaining safety standards, meeting customer expectations, and complying with regulations:

Crew planning is a crucial and challenging task for business aviation operators, as it affects the safety, efficiency, and profitability of their operations, as well as the satisfaction and retention of their crew members. By using advanced technology and best practices, business aviation operators can overcome crew planning challenges and achieve optimal outcomes for their business and their crew.


Just Aviation uses artificial intelligence, cloud-based platforms, mobile applications, and inflight connectivity to optimize their crew schedules, forecast their demand, ensure their compliance, manage their training, and enhance their crew satisfaction and retention in case of crew planning challenges. By implementing these solutions and practices, Just Aviation can improve their operational performance, reduce their costs, increase their customer loyalty, and gain a competitive edge in the business aviation industry.

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