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Brazil Flight Operation Updates: Changes in Brazil Navigation Fees Calculation & Flight Permits Requirements


Brazil is undergoing significant changes to navigation fees for Part 121/129 Operators, aiming to improve transparency and accuracy. The Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) will now directly charge navigation fees separately from airport fees. This change is gradually rolling out across Brazilian airports. ANAC has also updated Part 135 Flight Rules, allowing multiple entries into Brazil with 60-day permits. Valid documentation for aircraft, pilots, and worldwide insurance is crucial. Operators should stay in close communication with ground handlers and aviation authorities to ensure compliance and avoid penalties and operational disruptions.

Contact us to learn more about the requirements and to secure a safe and penalty free operation to Brazil on


ANAC – Brazil Changes in Navigation Fees Calculation

Navigation Fees will be soon separated from Airport Fees as per DECEA.
This comprehensive revamp is presently underway and will gradually be rolled out across all Brazilian airports soon. The implementation timeline is already in motion, though the precise schedule for full deployment remains unconfirmed. To facilitate access and payment under the new system, your ground handler will provide a hyperlink (timing yet to be confirmed) for accessing invoices and corresponding bank slips for payment.


ANAC – Brazil Flight Permits Changes in Requirements

The Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) has introduced notable alterations to Brazil’s Part 135 Flight Rules, with ANAC-issued permits for Part 135 operations now allowing for multiple entries into the country and a 60-day validity period. These revisions are geared toward simplifying procedures and placing a strong emphasis on safety within Part 135 operations. To ensure compliance with these updates and to obtain further details, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

ANAC also permits the extension of the permit’s validity period every 60 days, provided that all prerequisites, including the continued validity of worldwide insurance, are met.

You should also Ensure that aircraft, pilots, and global insurance documentation remain valid throughout the operational timeframe in Brazil is absolutely crucial. Operating with an expired permit due to documentation inadequacies can pose significant safety risks and result in severe penalties. Additionally, missing the permit extension deadline could lead to unwelcome operational disruptions.


ANAC – Brazil Sustainable Flight Operation

Brazil Civil Aviation Authority is working on CO2 Emissions Reduction.
Brazil possesses extensive expertise in the biofuels industry, particularly in ethanol and biodiesel production. The country’s favorable climate and geographic attributes make the development of this production chain a significant socio-economic cornerstone. In the transportation sector, the pursuit of efficiency improvements aligns with energy security and emission reduction goals, offering substantial incentives for transitioning to alternative energy sources.

In this context, the “Combustível do Futuro” program was established, encompassing various initiatives aimed at integrating sustainable aviation fuels into Brazil’s energy landscape. This undertaking involved extensive collaboration between the government, society, and various stakeholders, reflecting a comprehensive approach to the project’s implementation and its guiding principles.


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